The OFFICIAL SITE to Americas #1 Youth Motivational Speaker!

Navigating Teen Life with Purpose: A Guide to Authentic Living

Online Course – Keeping It Real: The Four Agreements for Teens (Sign Up Today) COMING SOON

In the tumultuous landscape of the teen years, finding meaning and direction can often feel like an elusive pursuit. Teens grapple with a myriad of challenges, from peer pressure to academic stress, leaving many yearning for a sense of meaning, purpose and fulfillment. That’s where Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parenting Coach, steps in as a guiding light in the journey towards authentic living. With his dynamic approach and unwavering support, Jeff empowers teens to navigate the ups and downs of adolescence with confidence and resilience. As a youth motivational speaker, Jeff ignites inspiration and sparks positive change, creating a ripple effect that resonates not only with teens but also with parents and educators alike. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Jeff Yalden by your side.

Keeping It Real: The Four Agreements for Teens (Sign Up Today)

Section 1: Keeping It Real

Drawing inspiration from the profound wisdom of Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, “The Four Agreements,” we embark on a transformative journey guided by Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parenting Coach. Together, we’ll unpack the essence of authentic living, using these agreements – be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best – as the bedrock upon which genuine authenticity is built. With Jeff as our guide, we’ll navigate the complexities of adolescence, empower ourselves with resilience, and forge a path towards personal fulfillment and meaningful connections. Get ready to dive deep, challenge perceptions, and emerge stronger, wiser, and more authentically YOU.

Section 2: The Importance of Self-Promises

Central to the path of authenticity is the cultivation of self-promises, a journey expertly navigated with Jeff Yalden as your guide. By making commitments to oneself and honoring them, teens are guided towards personal growth and integrity. With Jeff’s wisdom and support, these promises serve as beacons of light, illuminating the path towards self-fulfillment. Together, we’ll explore the power of self-commitment, embrace accountability, and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming the best version of ourselves. Get ready to make and keep promises that shape your destiny, with Jeff Yalden leading the way.

Section 3: Positive Self-Talk and Encouragement

Guided by Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we explore the transformative potential of Positive Self-Talk and Encouragement for teens. Harnessing the power of thoughts becomes paramount as we embark on this journey. Through Jeff’s gentle guidance and encouraging support, teens learn to cultivate a mindset of self-compassion and resilience. Together, we lay the groundwork for a flourishing sense of self, empowering teens to navigate the challenges of adolescence with confidence and grace. Get ready to embrace the power of positive self-talk and unlock the potential within, with Jeff Yalden by your side every step of the way.

Section 4: Understanding Projection

Under the expert guidance of Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we delve into the concept of Projection and its significance for teens. Understanding projection offers invaluable insight into the intricacies of human interaction. With Jeff’s support, teens grasp that judgments and criticisms frequently originate from our own insecurities. By recognizing this, they learn to cultivate empathy and compassion towards themselves and others. Through Jeff’s wisdom, teens embark on a journey of self-discovery, fostering deeper connections and understanding in their relationships. Get ready to unravel the mysteries of projection and cultivate empathy, with Jeff Yalden as your trusted mentor and guide.

Section 5: Preserving Self-Esteem

Guided by Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we explore the crucial concept of Preserving Self-Esteem. Protecting self-esteem becomes paramount as we navigate the rollercoaster of adolescence. With Jeff’s expert guidance, teens learn that surrounding themselves with positive influences and setting healthy boundaries are essential steps in affirming their inherent worth and dignity. Through Jeff’s compassionate support, teens safeguard their sense of self, enabling them to navigate the ups and downs of adolescence with resilience and confidence. Get ready to fortify your self-esteem and thrive, with Jeff Yalden as your trusted mentor and guide.

Section 6: Open and Honest Communication

Under the guidance of Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we delve into the importance of Open and Honest Communication. Meaningful connections are forged as we explore the power of transparent communication. With Jeff’s expert coaching, teens discover that by sharing thoughts and feelings authentically, and listening with empathy, they cultivate relationships built on trust and understanding. Through Jeff’s compassionate support, teens learn to navigate the complexities of communication, fostering deeper connections and building a supportive network of relationships. Get ready to embrace open and honest communication, with Jeff Yalden as your trusted mentor and guide, empowering you every step of the way.

Section 7: Balancing Effort and Self-Compassion

Guided by Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we delve into the delicate balance of Balancing Effort and Self-Compassion. While striving for excellence is admirable, Jeff emphasizes the importance of balancing it with self-compassion. With his expert guidance, teens learn that celebrating progress over perfection and embracing the journey of growth are essential steps in fostering a healthy relationship with success and failure. Through Jeff’s compassionate support, teens discover the power of self-compassion in their pursuit of excellence, empowering them to thrive in both their achievements and setbacks. Get ready to achieve greatness with a dose of self-compassion, under the mentorship of Jeff Yalden, your trusted coach and guide.

Section 8: Embracing Growth and Learning

Under the guidance of Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we explore the transformative power of Embracing Growth and Learning. Jeff emphasizes that for teens, life is a continuous journey of growth and discovery. With his expert coaching, teens learn to embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development. Through Jeff’s compassionate support, they unlock their full potential and thrive in the face of adversity. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, with Jeff Yalden as your trusted mentor and guide, empowering you to thrive in every aspect of life.

Section 9: Building Healthy Relationships

Guided by Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we explore the essential practice of Cultivating Relationships built on mutual respect, trust, and support. Jeff emphasizes that for teens, surrounding themselves with positive influences is paramount. With his expert coaching, teens learn to seek out individuals who uplift and empower them. Through Jeff’s compassionate support, they create a supportive network that nurtures their growth and well-being. Get ready to foster meaningful connections and thrive, with Jeff Yalden as your trusted mentor and guide, empowering you to cultivate relationships that lift you higher.

Section 10: Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Under the expert guidance of Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we delve into the critical practice of Prioritizing Self-Care and Stress-Reduction Techniques. Jeff emphasizes that for teens, nurturing mental and emotional well-being is paramount. With his expert coaching, teens learn to prioritize self-care and engage in activities that bring peace and relaxation. Through Jeff’s compassionate support, they cultivate resilience and balance in their lives. Get ready to prioritize your well-being and thrive, with Jeff Yalden as your trusted mentor and guide, empowering you to take care of yourself and flourish in every aspect of life.

Section 11: Cultivating Authenticity and Joy

Under the insightful guidance of Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we explore the transformative power of Authenticity. Jeff emphasizes that for teens, authenticity is the key to unlocking true joy and fulfillment. With his expert coaching, teens learn to embrace their true selves and live in alignment with their values and passions. Through Jeff’s compassionate support, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and profound meaning. Get ready to embrace your authenticity and thrive, with Jeff Yalden as your trusted mentor and guide, empowering you to live a life of purpose and authenticity.

Section 12: Reflection and Integration

Under the expert guidance of Jeff Yalden, the Teen Life Coach and Parent Coach, we delve into the essential practice of Reflection and Integration. Jeff emphasizes that for teens, taking time to reflect on their journey and integrate lessons learned is crucial in the pursuit of authenticity. With his expert coaching, teens learn to embrace growth with openness and intention. Through Jeff’s compassionate support, they deepen their understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and integration, with Jeff Yalden as your trusted mentor and guide, empowering you to live authentically and with purpose.

Section 13: Review, Reflection, Insights, and Experiences

Congratulations, teens, on stepping onto this exhilarating path of self-discovery. Let’s revel in your growth, ponder your newfound insights, and treasure the experiences molding you. Your pursuit of authenticity and joy persists, fueled by the wisdom you’ve amassed.

Under the nurturing guidance of a Teen Life Coach and Parenting Coach like Jeff Yalden, you’re equipped to navigate the labyrinth of adolescence with clarity, purpose, and authenticity. Together, let’s embark on this expedition of self-discovery, unveiling the limitless potential residing within each of you.

Teen Online Course: Keeping It Real: The Four Agreements (Coming Soon)

“Unlocking Youth’s Potential: The Four Agreements as a Practical Guide to Transform Their Lives”

Youth Motivational Speaker Jeff Yalden

Hello, I’m Jeff Yalden, a dedicated youth motivational speaker and mental health speaker who has had the privilege of working with school communities worldwide. “My mission is to enrich the lives of young individuals, empower parents in nurturing their children, and inspire teachers to have unwavering belief in their students, surpassing even the students’ own belief in themselves.”

Today, as I see the challenges of growing up, parenting, and teaching becoming more complex than ever, it’s clear that raising our youth is tougher than it has ever been. Even being a youth motivational speaker has its unique challenges in today’s world.

Youth Motivational Talk: Motivational School Assembly

That’s why I’m excited to share insights from one of the most impactful books I’ve ever come across. I believe it holds invaluable wisdom not just for our high school educators and counselors but also for parents and teenagers. This advice transcends age and gender boundaries, making it relevant and beneficial for everyone.

Consider this: our lives are built upon agreements. We make commitments to ourselves, to others, to a higher power, and to life itself. Yet, the most vital promises we make are the ones to ourselves.

Now, let’s explore why “The Four Agreements” is incredibly valuable for young people written by Don Miguel Ruiz. It’s a self-help guide that provides straightforward principles for leading a more fulfilling and peaceful life. These four agreements serve as a practical roadmap, offering four simple rules for achieving greater happiness and tranquility. Think of them as a secret code for unlocking freedom, profound happiness, and boundless love. Whenever you find yourself feeling worried, lonely, or questioning life’s meaning, these principles can transform your outlook and improve everything.

To grasp the significance of these agreements, we first need to recognize how we’ve been shaped by the rules and values of our family and society. Often, these expectations are enforced through a system of rewards and punishments. “The Four Agreements” empowers us to break free from self-limiting agreements and replace them with commitments that lead to liberation, joy, and love.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to understand how our minds are influenced by an inner judgment that causes suffering because we continually fall short of our “image of perfection.” This image has been amplified by the omnipresence of social media and the constant pursuit of dopamine hits. What were once natural inclinations have become obscured in our quest for self-discovery. We now seek freedom because it feels elusive, happiness because it seems distant, and beauty because we doubt our own worth. In essence, we are searching for our true selves.

Best Youth Motivational Speaker for High School Assemblies

So, let’s delve deeper into these transformative ideas.

Be Impeccable With Your Word

“Be impeccable with your word” means being extremely careful and truthful in what you say. It’s about using your words to spread kindness and honesty. Here are three examples:

Truthfulness: If you promise to meet a friend at a certain time, make sure you do it. Being impeccable with your word means keeping your promises and being true to your commitments.

Avoiding Gossip: Instead of spreading rumors or talking behind someone’s back, be impeccable with your word by not engaging in gossip. Speak kindly about others or choose to remain silent if you can’t say something positive.

Self-Talk: Be kind to yourself in your thoughts and words. Avoid self-criticism and negative self-talk. Instead, use your words to encourage and uplift yourself, focusing on your strengths and potential.

Remember, hurt people hurt people so when you find your words aren’t coming from a place of love and compassion take a look at yourself and see why you’re not using your words accordingly.  It’s a great way to check yourself.

Don’t Take Anything Personally

“Don’t take anything personally” means not letting what others say or do affect how you feel about yourself. It’s about understanding that people’s actions and words are often about them and their own feelings, not about you. Here are three examples for youth:

Criticism at School: If a classmate makes fun of your clothes or your performance in class, don’t take it personally. They might be having a bad day or feeling insecure themselves. Your worth isn’t determined by their words.

Friendship Changes: If a friend suddenly stops talking to you or hangs out with someone else, don’t take it personally. People’s interests and priorities can change, and it’s not a reflection of your likability or value as a friend.

Online Comments: If you post something online and receive negative comments or criticism, don’t take it personally. Some people use the internet to vent their frustrations, and it doesn’t mean anything about your worth. Focus on the positive feedback and constructive criticism instead.

Remember, not taking things personally can help you maintain your self-esteem and emotional well-being, even when faced with challenging situations or hurtful words from others.

Don’t Make Assumptions

“Don’t make assumptions” means avoiding jumping to conclusions or guessing what others are thinking or feeling without clear evidence. It’s about asking questions and communicating openly instead of assuming you know the truth. Here are three examples for youth:

Homework Help: If your friend seems upset or distant, don’t assume they’re mad at you or that you know the reason. Instead, ask them if everything’s okay and if there’s anything you can do to help. They might be dealing with something unrelated to you.

Misunderstood Texts: If you receive a message that seems rude or confusing, don’t assume the sender is angry or mean. Text messages can lack tone and context, so it’s better to ask for clarification before getting upset or defensive.

Team Project: If a classmate isn’t doing their part in a group project, don’t assume they’re lazy or don’t care. Talk to them about the project’s progress, their responsibilities, and if they need any help. They might be facing challenges you’re unaware of.

Avoiding assumptions helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps your relationships strong. It encourages open and honest communication, making it easier to resolve issues and build trust with others.

Always Do Your Best

Always do your best” means putting in your maximum effort and giving everything you do your full attention and dedication. It’s about striving for excellence while also being kind to yourself. Here are three examples for youth:

Schoolwork: When working on homework or studying for a test, always do your best. Give it your full attention, try your hardest, and seek help when needed. Even if the result isn’t perfect, you can be proud of your effort and learning.

Sports or Hobbies: Whether you’re playing a sport, learning a musical instrument, or pursuing a hobby, always give it your best effort. Practice regularly, push your limits, and enjoy the process of improvement. Your progress will show the results of your dedication.

Friendships: In your friendships, always do your best to be a good friend. Listen when they need someone to talk to, support them in their goals, and be there in both good times and bad. Your genuine efforts will strengthen your friendships over time.

“Always do your best” encourages you to excel and grow in all aspects of your life while recognizing that your best may vary from day to day. It’s a reminder to be committed and persistent in your endeavors, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

Create Better Relationships, Reduce Stress and Lead a More Authentic and Joyful Life

“Following these agreements can help you create better relationships, reduce stress, and lead a more authentic and joyful life” means that when you apply the principles of “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz in your life, you can expect several positive outcomes:

Better Relationships: When you practice being truthful, not taking things personally, avoiding assumptions, and always doing your best, your interactions with others improve. You build trust, communicate more effectively, and resolve conflicts more peacefully. This leads to healthier and more fulfilling relationships with friends, family, and colleagues.

Reduced Stress: By not taking things personally and avoiding unnecessary assumptions, you prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary worry. This reduces stress and anxiety in your daily life. You’re less affected by negative comments or actions from others, leading to a calmer and more relaxed state of mind.

Authenticity: Living by the Four Agreements encourages you to be true to yourself. You don’t pretend to be someone you’re not, and you express your thoughts and feelings honestly. This authenticity leads to a deeper connection with your own values and beliefs, allowing you to live a more genuine and fulfilling life.

Joyful Life: When you follow these agreements, you free yourself from the burden of unnecessary judgments, self-doubt, and negative assumptions. This liberation allows you to experience greater happiness and joy in your everyday experiences. You focus on the positive aspects of life and let go of unnecessary negativity.

In summary, embracing “The Four Agreements” as a way of life can bring about positive changes in your relationships, mental well-being, and overall happiness. It’s a path towards a more harmonious and authentic way of living.

Try it.  Write these “Four Agreements” down and keep them with you. 

“Enhancing Teaching Practices: Building Trust and Connection with Students”

Staff Development Speaker Jeff YaldenWhen engaging with students, I consistently pose the question, “Who serves as your trusted and influential adult?” It has been disheartening to discover that a significant number of students respond with, “I don’t have one.” This unfortunate reality can be attributed in part to our overreliance on electronic devices and the deliberate isolation many individuals choose to embrace. Moreover, this issue also extends to the realm of parenting, and it raises concerns within our educational institutions, particularly concerning the use of cell phones in the classroom.

Nevertheless, when addressing fellow educators, I am reminded that teaching was once regarded as one of the noblest professions in the world. I can only implore them to do everything within their power to establish meaningful connections with their students. A remarkable teacher possesses the ability to perceive potential in their students that often eludes the students themselves. To all the educators out there, I extend my gratitude. You stand as leaders among students and your peers, both in the school and the wider educational community, and it is my desire to support and encourage your efforts in fostering strong connections with your students.

Being a teacher is as much about refraining from certain actions as it is about taking proactive measures. Always keep in mind that great leaders confront two pivotal questions each day:

      1. Can I place my trust in you?
      2. Do you genuinely care about my well-being?

    Let us strive together to strengthen the bonds between teachers and students, ensuring that these vital questions are answered with a resounding “yes” every single day.

    Here are ten of the most common mistakes teachers make:

        1. Ineffective Communication: Teachers sometimes assume their message is fully understood, leading to misunderstandings and a lack of direction.  For example, imagine a teacher using unclear instructions, leaving students confused about their assignments.
        2. Failing to Lead by Example: When teachers do not practice what they preach, it can harm their credibility.  Picture an educator advocating punctuality but frequently arriving late to class.
        3. Resisting Change: In a rapidly evolving education setting, teachers who resist change can hinder innovation and student growth.  Consider a teacher who refuses to integrate new teaching methods, resulting in students falling behind.
        4. Ignoring Student Input: Teacher who disregard their students’ voices miss out on valuable insights and can negatively impact classroom morale.  Think of a teacher who dismisses student feedback, missing opportunities for improvement.
        5. Neglecting Personal Development:  Continuous learning is crucial for educators.  Teachers who stop developing their skills risk becoming outdated.  Contemplate a teacher who fails to keep up with educational trends, leading to outdated teaching strategies.
        6. Poor Delegation:  Ineffectively assigning tasks can overwhelm students and limit their empowerment.  Consider a teacher who micromanages every aspect of a project, stifling student initiative and creativity.
        7. Neglecting Classroom Culture:  Underestimating the importance of a positive classroom culture can create a toxic learning environment.  Think about a teacher who ignores bullying or disruptive behavior, harming the overall classroom atmosphere.
        8. Lack of Empathy: Teachers who lack empathy struggle to connect with their students on a personal, negatively affecting student morale and engagement.  Envision a teacher who shows little understanding or concern for a student’s challenges.
        9. Failure to Set Clear Objectives:  Without well-defined learning goals, students can feel lost and unmotivated.  Just imagine a teacher setting vague objectives, leading to confusion and reduced student performance.
        10. Not Recognizing Student Achievements:  Overlooking the importance of acknowledging and rewarding student efforts can demotivate learners.  Picture a teacher who consistently fails to acknowledge student achievements resulting in reduced motivation and satisfaction in the classroom.

      Teens and Self-Harm

      Self-harm should not be an indication that the individual is suicidal. Suicide and self-harm are very different. While they're both inflictions of pain, and sometimes true that the individual self-harming may later make a forever decision, generally the individual engaging in self-harming behaviors does not wish to end their life. They're using self-harm as a way to cope with the stressors in their life. Whereas, individuals who attempt suicide have the intent to end their life due to their pain and suffering.

      Understanding Teens and Self-HarmI have talked about teens’ mental health and suicide prevention since 1992. It is an honor to be trusted to speak on teens and mental health in high school assemblies and to school communities all over the world. There is a high probability that one will come across topics related to self-harm or self-injury when talking about teen suicide prevention and teen mental health.

      As a teenage mental health speaker, I educate teenagers in various ways. One of the ways is through a full school assembly. The other way is collaborating with counselors and having a one-on-one sessions with students. Through my training, I have noticed that one-on-one sessions are more successful because the teenagers are comfortable sharing their emotional pain and life experiences with me and how they cope with life’s challenges.

      Teen Suicide Prevention

      If you’re interested in teen suicide prevention visit Jeff’s online course for school communities: parents, teachers, counselors, teens, and school administrators. (Click Here)

      What is Self-Harm

      Self-harm is a non-suicidal act of deliberately harming or injuring one’s body.

      Types of Self-Harm

      Many people think that self-harm is limited to burning and cutting oneself. However, this is not the case since self-harm includes other activities such as pulling out bodily hairs, punching walls, ingesting toxic substances or sharp objects, head banging, self-medicating, and even reckless behavior.

      Would you include vaping as self-harm? Absolutely. The same way you would include alcohol, pot, pills, etc.

      Reasons Teens Self-Harm

      There are various reasons why teenagers engage in self-harm. Some of them include the following:

      • Emotional disconnect or detachment from or not being validated by their parents. Self-harm makes them feel alive inside and helps confirm their existence in reality.
      • Peer pressure. The desire for teenagers to be accepted by their peers will lead them to conform to group norms and expectations, such as self-harm. Research has shown that individuals will conform to their peers’ norms, behaviors, and attitudes because they lack self-esteem.
      • For girls, self-harm may be used as a coping strategy with overly demanding parents, especially in situations where the father is the dominant voice when it comes to discipline and decision-making.

      Three Common Reasons Teens Self-Harm

      During my one-on-one interaction with teenage students, I have discovered that one of the main reasons why teens engage in self-harm is because they lack meaningful relationships. For example, some students have claimed that they don’t have friends. Secondly, they feel they disappoint themselves, their parents, friends, and teachers. Thirdly, the teens feel they are a burden and do not want to speak up. My advice to teenagers on this matter is to speak up. Otherwise, the issues (negative feelings, depression, trauma, and brokenness) they fail to speak up about will end up hurting them later in life.

      My job is to be a trusted adult providing a safe place for them to share and start the conversation. In other words, my job is to provide a safe environment for teenagers to open up. Similar to filling the gap between their pain and getting the help they need and encouraging them to find that trusted professional so they can deal with whatever it is that is driving them to cope in an unhealthy manner.

      Unfortunately, most parents of these teenagers lack the capability to provide trust or a safe environment where the children can express their emotions, which pushes them away. Teenagers need an adult or a parent who provides them with love, support, validation of their thoughts and feelings, and trust. Do not think of how you will respond as a trusted guardian, adult, or parent. Take the time to create a safe space with an open heart and show you are proud they have come to you, and they are talking.

      Self-injury may be an attempt to:

      • Cope or decrease severe emotional distress or anxiety and provide relief.
      • Provide a distraction from painful emotions through physical pain.
      • Feel a sense of control over the body, feelings, or life situations.
      • Feel something — anything — even if it’s a physical pain when feeling emotionally empty.
      • Express internal feelings in an external way.
      • Communicate feelings of stress or depression to the outside world.
      • Punish oneself.

      Self-Harm: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

      The first step I take when a teenager says that they are self-harming is not to get alarmed or react. Instead, I thank them for expressing their emotions and trusting me. It takes a lot of courage for a teenage student to trust me and express their emotions.

      The Good in Self-Harm

      (I am not saying self-harm is healthy, but from the side of intervention, self-harming teens are crying for help, wanting to be heard.  Therefore, don’t react and think it’s a suicide attempt.)

      Many people, including teachers, are shocked when I say self-harm has benefits. Indeed, there are various benefits to self-harm. For many of these teens, cutting or burning themselves numbs unpleasant thoughts. It helps take the emotional pain away, leaving them in control of the physical pain that replaces emotional pain. The other benefit of self-harm to student teenagers is that it gives them fast-acting relief from emotional distress and pain. Physical pain stimulates the body to release endorphins. Endorphins block nerve cells from receiving or transmitting pain signals.

      Essentially, self-harm among teenagers is a coping strategy for teenagers with emotional pain. These teenagers need help, but they do not know the best way to seek this help since they are afraid of being judged, not being heard, not being validated, and parents not reacting, to mention a few.

      The other reason teenagers fail to speak out is that they do not know exactly how to articulate what they are feeling and why they are acting out in an unhealthy manner. It is good that teenagers have emotions. Otherwise, a lack of emotions is a concern among teenagers since it is abnormal. Most teenagers are surprised that I do not disappoint or judge them. Instead,

      I take away their guilt and shame. Therefore creating a safe environment for them is an essential step in ensuring that teenagers open up.

      When the teenagers open up to me, I tell them, “You know this isn’t a healthy way of coping, right?” The teenagers agree with me. I then show the alternative ways of coping with the emotional distress that they are going through. I then encourage them to seek professional help.

      It is important to note that one cannot help a teen who self-harms if one does not know they need help.

      The Bad in Self-Harm

      One of the major reasons teens are turning towards self-harming behaviors is the endorphin effect they receive. Endorphins are secreted into their bloodstream when teens cut or burn themselves. They experience a numbing or pleasurable sensation which is bad because if they don’t get the professional help they need this pleasurable feeling will continue to make them feel better. They’ll continue self-injury, making seeking help difficult the longer they’re not learning healthy coping skills.

      Self-injury can cause major complications, such as:

      • Worsening feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-esteem.
      • Infection, either from wounds or from sharing tools.
      • Permanent scars or other permanent harm to the body.
      • Worsening of underlying issues and conditions, if not properly treated.
      • Severe injury that could lead to death.

      The Ugly in Teen Self-Harm

      Self-injury is not usually a suicide attempt. However, it indicates an existing problem, which means if this emotional problem is not treated promptly, the risk of suicide also increases. Additionally, it is essential to note that the patterns of injury when a teenager is distressed may increase the risk of suicide. For example, self-inflicted wounds may happen regularly and, at times, increase blood loss, increasing the risk of suicide. Additionally, some injuries may be fatal, increasing the risk of suicide. To reduce the risk of suicide, an individual or teenager with emotional and mental health problems must seek professional help.

      Prevalence of Self-Harming Teens

      Self-harming behaviors among teenagers are prevalent across all cultures and social and economic levels. It is hard to estimate the prevalence of self-harming behaviors between males and females. Generally, there are more young females engaged in self-harming behaviors than men.

      Teen Self-Harm: Knowing When To Get Help

      Most guardians and parents do not know that their children are engaging in self-harming behaviors because they do it in private or with their friends. Many people confuse self-decoration with self-harm. There is also a big difference between self-decora

      ting and self-harm. It seems a popular fad among teens today to use body piercings and tattoos as a form of self-decorating. Teens who self-harm seek relief from emotional pain; they are not self-decorating.

      Signs and Symptoms that Self-Harm is a Problem with your Teen:

      • Cuts, scratches or burn marks on their arms, legs, and abdomens.
      • Excessive rubbing of an area creates a burn.
      • Finding knives, razor blades, box cutters, and other sharp objects hidden in the teen’s bedroom.
      • Keeping sharp objects or other items used for self-harm on hand.
      • Regularly locking themself up in the bedroom or bathroom following a bad day at school, negative encounte
        rs with peers, and family conflicts for lengthy periods
      • The family physician, a teacher, or other adult observes cut or burn marks or that the teen appears to be regularly removing bodily hairs
      • The teen’s peers cut or burn themselves.
      • Reports from a sibling indicating that they found blood-encrusted razors or caught the teen in the act of self-injuring
      • Scars are often seen appearing in patterns.
      • Excessive rubbing of an area creates a burn.
      • The teens often wear long sleeves or long pants to hide self-self-harm, even in hot weather.
      • Frequent reports of accidental injury.
      • Relationship difficulties with others.
      • Impulsive, intense, and unexpected behaviors and emotions change quickly.
      • Talk of helplessness, hopelessness, or worthlessness.

      Professional Treatment for Self-Harming Teens

      The most effective treatment strategy for self-harming behaviors among teenagers is family therapy. A skilled family therapist can help improve family communication, teach conflict-resolution and problem-solving skills, and help foster more meaningful and closer relationships between parents and teens.

      The other treatment strategy is support groups that teach teenagers effective coping and skill-building skills. The coping skills that the teenagers obtain from these groups will help them manage negative emotions and thoughts and cultivate healthier stress management activities.

      How Can Teen Self-Harm be Prevented?

      One of the effective strategies that can be used to reduce self-harm is having a healthy relationship between teenagers and their parents. In this regard, parents should spend more time with their teenagers and their family. There are various ways to improve this relationship can be improved. Some ways include encouraging open communication, compassionate listening, and showing love and support without judgment between parents and teenagers.

      When to Seek Help for Self-Harm

      Take all signs seriously. If your child or a student you know is self-harming, even if you think it is a minor way of self-harm, or if you have thoughts of self-harm or harming someone else, reach out and ask for help. Any form of self-injury signifies something bigger, and these stressors need attention.

      Find a trustworthy adult, such as a friend, relative, health care professional, spiritual guide, teacher, counselor, or nurse at school. They can aid in your initial steps toward a successful course of treatment. Even though you might feel guilty and embarrassed about your actions, you can get helpful, compassionate assistance from people who won’t pass judgment on you. It’s alright, and keep in mind the adage, “You can’t get aid if nobody knows you need it.”

      Self-Harm: Emergency Help

      If you’ve injured yourself severely or believe your injury may be life-threatening, or if you think you may hurt yourself or attempt suicide, call 911 or 988 or your local emergency number immediately.

      Also, consider these options if you’re having suicidal thoughts:

      • Call your mental health provider if you are seeing one.
      • Contact a suicide hotline. In the U.S., call or text 988 to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
      • Seek help from your school nurse, counselor, teacher, or health care provider.
      • Reach out to a close friend or family member.
      • Contact a spiritual leader or someone else in your faith community.

      Self-Harm Test Questions

      If you need to self-harm, try asking yourself these questions first. Write them down so you can refer to them later and analyze your reasoning for self-harm.

      • Why do I self-harm? Why do I feel I must self-injure? What has driven me to cut, burn, etc.?
      • Have I done this before? How did I cope then? Did I feel the same way?
      • What other paths have I pursued to ease my pain before now? Is there something else I can do, a self-harm alternative, that won’t hurt?
      • How am I feeling now?
      • How will I feel later when I am self-injuring?
      • How will I feel afterward? How will I feel tomorrow morning?
      • Can I avoid the problem that has driven me to this point? Is there a better way I can handle it next time?
      • Must I self-harm?

      Print this self-harm test and your answers and share them with your doctor, therapist, or counselor. Your insights into why you self-harm and how you feel about self-harm could be very helpful in communicating and getting treatment and recovery moving forward. 

      If you are interested in Jeff speaking in your school community, please visit website.  

      High School Assemblies and Teen Mental Health Speaker – Click here.

      High School Student Suicide 48 Hours Before My Visit

      On December 14, 2022, I was invited to speak at South Newton High School in Indiana.  48 hours prior to my visit a high school junior had made that forever decision.  He committed suicide.  Just 48 hours prior to me visiting the school.

      It was a late Sunday night that he took his life.  The following day the teachers and staff were told before the students had arrived, but many of them had already heard.  Word gets out very fast these days with social media and texting.  The school handled it very well, but there was something else that needed to be addressed – Teen Mental Health and Suicide Prevention speaker, Jeff Yalden, was scheduled to speak and share his message for the students and staff, parents and community.

      Teen Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Speaker Coming to South Newton High School

      The school administration and the counselor had talked.  Only about 260 students in the high school.  Small school.  You can imagine the impact this suicide would have on this school community – students, teachers, coaches, parents and families.  But what should they do with me. being already scheduled?

      The counselor had called me right away and we had a wonderful conversation.  I was willing to do whatever it took.  I was even willing to come back in a month on my own expense, but I wanted to listen to what they thought and where they were.  My initial thought is that my visit would be too early, but again, this is the work I do with schools in crisis.  Nonetheless, I couldn’t stop thinking that they weren’t ready and this could not end well.

      Research says the same thing.  The students are traumatized and talking about it so early wouldn’t be healthy.  They have crisis counselors on hand and support dogs.  We left it for the day to sit on it and think about it.  The issue was I was already scheduled and coming to the area to speak to three other school communities the Jasper Newton Foundation had contracted me for as well.

      The Following Day . . . We are a GO!

      The following day the school counselor and I spoke and it was decided by the school to still have me come, but it would be based on volunteer only.  If the students want to come to the auditorium to listen they could.  If they didn’t want to come they would go to the gym or any other area they designated.  Great idea.  Settled.  Let’s get ready . . . I am coming to South Newton High School.

      Although it was confirmed I would be coming now I felt the pressure knowing that this was a very raw situation I was coming into and students can be vulnerable.  Glad I have experience, but this was too raw.  I got this I thought and instantly, I realized and thought to myself, this visit and conversation isn’t about me, my story, power point, signs and symptoms, etc.  This is about me serving my heart and listening to theirs in a safe space where there is no judgement and they can be heard.  That’s all I kept thinking.  I didn’t even prepare a speech for this.  I just prayed and asked God to lead me through this day.

      His Locker was a Memorial

      His locker was a memorial.  Is this the right thing to do?  Research says, probably not.

      My conversation with the principal and the counselor about the locker was what do the students need right now?  How can they be heard, but to be mindful and to openly talk with those that were closest to him.  I also suggested putting a time period on how long the locker stays up and when they take it down maybe do it together with his closest friends and his girlfriend.

      I suggested they all do it together because this could help give them closure and they’re all a part of it.  Then, spend time with the counselor and talk about how they felt and what doing that together meant to them.  We all agreed that would be how they would handle it.  The kids need to be heard and it needs to be talked about in a space that is safe, non-judgmental, and with respect where thoughts and feelings are validated.

      Tough conversation to have.  Who’s to say that what is right is right and what isn’t right is wrong?  In a situation like this it’s best to think about what is in the best interest of the students and staff.  No school administrator is ever given a certificate on how to handle situations like this.  It’s an effort and decision that is made by more than one person, but always do what is in the best interest of everyone involved.  They did and they handled it incredibly well.

      What the Research Says . . .

      Research shows that suicides tend to be contagious, especially among teens and adolescents.  This is what is known as the suicide contagion effect.  This effect is also what’s responsible for copycat suicides.  In copycat suicides, victims are triggered by another person’s suicide and learn suicide-related behaviors from them. Suicide clusters or copycat suicides occur when news of the suicide impacts one’s social circle, and/or people identify with the suicide victim.  In this case, a small school, most everyone identified with the young man.

      Two Days after a Teen Suicide the Students came to the Auditorium

      I remember talking to the counselor and mentioning that it being based on volunteers that she shouldn’t expect many students to come.  Seriously, what student given the option to hear a speaker talk about teen suicide or go to the gym or library would want to come to the auditorium? Let alone, after one of their friends or peers just ended his life 48 hours earlier.

      I arrived the school early to see and feel the energy by seeing the kids getting off the buses and entering the building.  They had a donation box set up where the students could donate money and help the family with expenses.  A few thousand dollars was donated to that box on this morning that I was there.

      High School Assembly on Teen Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

      About 9:30am the announcement was made for anyone interested in coming to the auditorium please make your way down. I stood outside the auditorium with the counselor and some teachers and I thanked every student and teacher for coming.  One-by-one in droves the students entered the auditorium.  With each student passing by I got more and more nervous.  I just kept praying and thinking to myself, “Just be the calm they need.  Be the support they need . . . Be Presence!

      About 180 students entered the auditorium and sat quietly awaiting what was about to be said or what was to happen.  To be quite honest, I think I was thinking to myself the same thing. It wasn’t about me.  My job was to be ready, but I was SCARED.  Because I knew that I had to be in total control of this situation and whatever was to come in the next few minutes to few hours.

      No Introduction Needed

      Everyone was seated.  I didn’t want any introduction.  It wasn’t about me or what was about to happen.  The microphone was there and I just took it and staged myself up front.  The teachers stood in the back.  Students sat with their heads down and I started with, “I’d like to give you a gift.  The gift I’d like to give you is the gift of time . . .

      Here is a quick video of what I did.  It’s important to watch.

      My first thoughts were to start off with a silent meditation. This was to settle them in and center them with calm while also earning their trust.  Then, it was about me letting them know I cared about them and my heart was present with their thoughts and feelings.  Three hours later most of them left for lunch, class, or wherever they needed to be.

      When everyone filed out, I continued to spend time with the girlfriend and some of the students closest friends.  We laughed together as they shared some stories about their friend.  What a wonderful moment shared with laughs and tears. It was a moment that kind of gave them some closure for what they’re having to deal with.

      Before I left the school I visited with the counselor, the school principal and some teachers.  I thanked them for holding this space and for what they do.

      What a great school that is a model for how a school should handle a suicide of one of their very own.  No situation is ever the same.  Be present.  Hold space.  Listen and allow your students and teachers to be heard.  I’m forever thankful to serve another community.

      Jeff Yalden . . . Teen Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Motivational Speaker for High School Communities

      If you’re interested in me coming and visiting your school community for a high school motivational assembly or teen mental health, suicide prevention, crisis intervention, please visit my website

      Jeff’s book on Teen Suicide:

      About the Author
      Jeff Yalden is an expert consultant in the area of mental health and suicide prevention and how it relates to our mental health working with teens, educators, mental health professionals, and school communities.  Jeff works with school communities and speaks at adult conferences, colleges and universities, talking to both students, parents, educators, counselors, mental health professionals, doctors, and psychotherapists about mental health today, the on-line world, and how technology plays a significant role in his theory on suicide.
      Jeff Yalden is highly regarded as one of the top mental health speakers in the world.  He is also a leading Suicide Crisis Intervention Expert and Suicide Prevention trainer, having worked with hundreds of school communities in need of crisis support.
      He is a four-time Amazon bestselling author, including his recent books, BOOM! One Word to Inspire Action, Deliver Rewards, and Positively Affect Your Life Every Day and Teen Suicide: The WHY Behind America’s Suicide Epidemic.

      Parents and Teen Mental Health

      Teen mental health challenges and what parents need to know. Let it not be a surprise to parents of teens and our school communities that teen anxiety and teen depression has been steadily increasing and is cause for concern.
      Jeff Yalden helps a School Community hurting from Teen Suicide

      Resources are available for your child. Even though these resources are available for help, many teens end up searching online about teen mental health for answers that lead them down the wrong path. This is concerning that teens aren’t speaking up and asking for help. Instead they’re trying to find answers while searching irresponsibly. We need to do a better job talking about teen mental health to our youth.

      Teen Mental Health: Who’s Their Trusted Adult

      Today’s teens are afraid to speak up and ask for help.  Perhaps, many of them might not even realize they need help and think that what they’re feeling is normal.  You only know what you know, right? 

      Let’s take the clinical aspect out of the equation here when talking about teen mental health and allow me to talk friend to friend. I’d like to be non-clinical and address teen mental health as I see it on a daily basis.

      Hi! I’m Jeff Yalden and for three decades I’ve worked with teens, school communities and mental health professionals addressing teen mental health and suicide prevention. Although, I am a counselor with an honorary doctorate degree, I like to think I am more of a relationship guy with my clients and I try and take the clinical and be non-clinical in my approach.

      Teen Motivational Speaker and Author on mental health and suicide prevention.
      Teen mental health speaker and author Jeff Yalden

      Thoughts and Feelings: It’s Okay To Talk

      Our youth are struggling with their mental health and they need to know that having thoughts and feelings are okay.  Thoughts are thoughts just like an arm is an arm and a leg is a leg.  Thoughts are just thoughts.  Feelings are more within the body and need to be addressed if they’re dark and painful.  Nobody can help you if they don’t know you need help, so talking about thoughts and feelings is okay.  If you don’t learn to speak out what you’re thinking and feeling you will find that you’ll end up acting out what you’re thinking and feeling.

      Who is a child’s trusted and significant adult?  Dr. Phil (I love him!), says, “the most significant person in a child’s life is that same sex parent.  For many teens they don’t speak to their parents.  They’re afraid their parents don’t understand or will try and tell them they shouldn’t feel the way they feel or they’re too young to feel this way.  Parents are not listening and doing more self-diagnosing and trying to tell their child how they’re supposed to feel or not supposed to feel.  Parents won’t validate their thoughts and feelings.  Parents will be judgmental.  These are many of the reasons teens are pushing their child further away from feeling comfortable communicating with the very adult they should be going to. 

      Teens Need A Significant and Trusted Adult to Talk To

      Our youth need to have a significant and trusted adult whom they can talk to about teen mental health and other personal thoughts and feelings they’re having. Somebody who will be non-judgmental, respectful, will listen without trying to fix anything, and will validate and support the teen where they are with what that child needs in that moment of challenge.  Compassionate listening. A trusted adult they can share their thoughts and feelings and if it’s not you then who?

      Teen finds help with a mental health challenge from teen mental health speaker Jeff Yalden.

      Encourage your child to find and trust in this person.  It can be a teacher, a coach, a counselor at school, their aunt or uncle, a friend’s parents, etc.  It’s okay if it’s not you, but you knowing they have someone is what is important.

      For our trusted and significant adults remember that holding this space or this teen holding you with such high regard is an honor to have their trust and respect.  Keeping your conversations confidential is a must, unless, you are concerned the teen is thinking of harming themself or someone else.  If you are concerned about their welfare you have a responsibility to speak to the parents and get the teen the help they need.  Don’t try and be the hero, but be the responsible adult.  Don’t react.  Stay calm and listen, but you have to do the right thing. 

      Parents: You Can’t Ignore Your Child’s Mental Health

      Too many parents are not addressing the mental health of their child and this concerns me greatly. Teen mental health is an epidemic we are still avoiding until it’s too late where we have to do something.  If you are more concerned about your families reputation than the well-being of your child than you’re part of the problem and I need you to be part of the solution.

      Teen mental health makes an impact with teens and their parents.
      Teen Mental Health Speaker Jeff Yalden Connects with a Family

      Teen mental health (mental health in general) needs to be less stigmatized and the conversation more normalized.  We all have this responsibility to be more open and comfortable being uncomfortable talking about mental health within our own families and supporting other families.  We all are affected by mental health. 

      Furthermore, think about this, five out of five people have physical health.  Well, those with physical health also have mental health.  That makes it more clear, right?  Let’s do our part for our family, our community, our schools, and most importantly for our youth as a whole.

      Parents: Recognize the Red Flags

      Parents it’s important that you don’t take on the role of family doctor, counselor, or psychiatrist and self-diagnose your child.  It’s imperative you address “red flags” early.  Red flags are behaviors or emotions that you might see in your child that are out of the ordinary.  It might be just your child acting out, but there very well could be other issues that are contributing to your child having a mental health challenge. Regardless of what you think or feel, take all signs seriously and address it right away.

      Start by talking to your child about life, teen mental health, suicide prevention.  Google teen mental health, teen anxiety, teen depression, etc.  Educate yourself and take the responsible approach.  The more proactive and educated you are the more likely you’ll be able to give your child what they need and help them to not feel like something is seriously wrong. 

      See something; say something.  Know something; do something. 

      When you see something you need to say something. When you know something do something. Most of all, do your part to normalize the conversation and be open about talking mental health within your family and to your children.  You’ll be thankful you did.  Encourage your child to open up and talk.  Let them know that talking about their thoughts and feelings is not a weakness and that it takes courage to talk and be vulnerable.  Be the example and talk about your thoughts and feelings and show them it’s okay and that you end up feeling better talking it out. It’s great to have someone you can vent to without judgment.

      Mental Health Challenge or Mental Health Crisis

      A mental health challenge is where a situation occurs that affects one’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  Whereas, a mental health crisis is when this situation that affects one’s thoughts, feelings and behavior turns towards self-harming behaviors, thoughts of harming oneself or harming others.

      Mental Health Challenges

      Mental health challenges are a part of everyone’s life – it’s okay.  I’m seeing that our teens are really struggling with coping skills and problem solving skills. As adults, we learned a lot about coping and solving problems because we were always involved and put in situations where we had to learn. Today, our youth are consumed by their devices and less active in sports and organizations. Isolation is toxic.  Our youth need to recognize patterns that affect their thoughts and feelings. They need to learn to reframe and change the narrative. Also, they need less time on their devices comparing their world to the world people put out there. This comes with having a growth mindset and educating yourself further on mental health.

      Mental Health Crisis

      A mental health crisis needs to be addressed immediately and most certainly requires time, patience, and the help of a medical professional and/or a mental health professional.  Don’t react or ignore this.  It’s okay, but it’s imperative you don’t not do anything and hope it goes away.  By ignoring it there is a real good possibility it will manifest and show up in other ways later in life.  Always live on the front end of your or your child’s mental wellness rather than the backend, because if you’re parenting on the backend you’ll at some point with you had parented on the front end and been responsible and proactive.  Don’t pave the road ahead for your child, but rather prepare your child for the road ahead.  It’s up to you to give them the support and help then need to manage their thoughts and emotions.

      Mental Health: Take All Signs Seriously

      Again, take all signs seriously.  See something; say something.  Know something; do something.  Don’t self-diagnose your child.  Finally, just because you don’t have a mental health condition doesn’t mean your child won’t have one and it’s nothing you did.  It’s not about you.  It’s all about your child and address it early because we can live normal and healthy lives by accepting it, addressing it, and finding tools and maybe even medication to manage mental health conditions.

      Social Pressures our Youth are Faced with Today

      Growing up today as a teen is vastly different than it was five years ago, ten years ago, or thirty years ago and it will continue to be challenging.  Also, parenting and teaching today is also different than it was in this 5 year, 10 year or thirty year time frame.  It’s a different world and only getting more and more difficult to navigate.  Let’s think proactive and being the victor and not the victim.

      Social pressures facing youth are stronger today than years ago.
      Teen Suicide Prevention Expert, Jeff Yalden visits a High School in Missouri

      Today’s youth are facing something that we as adults don’t necessarily understand fully.  The daily pressures at school and when our teens are home are really challenging because today they’re lacking coping skills and problem solving skills and spending too much time isolating. 

      Teens: Devices and Smartphones

      Our devices such as tablets and smartphones have become our connection to the world making social interaction and communication something we don’t do anymore – even makes us feel somewhat uncomfortable engaging with others.  It’s leading our youth and even many (too many) of our adults (parents) to isolate and spend far too much time on their own devices setting a poor example for our children.  The problem is that as adults we should know better about the effects our devices and the chemical dopamine and addiction have on us.  You can’t expect a child or teen to understand when their brains don’t fully develop until they’re around the age of 23-25 or so.

      Years ago we got away with a lot.  There weren’t cameras everywhere or people weren’t always on social media all hours of the day reporting everything they see.  Today’s youth can’t get away with what we as adults were able to.  It’s absolutely exhausting for today’s youth. They’re constantly on 24/7/365.

      When your child says, “I’m tired!”  It doesn’t necessarily mean, They’re tired and they need to go to sleep. It means they’re tired in ways sleep can’t help.  Parents need to mandate off time and teach their children responsible behaviors with their devices and boundaries.  Parents need to take their devices away from their children and certainly not let their children sleep with their devices.  Important you understand this.  Your child doesn’t realize the amount of time they’re on their devices and the effects of dopamine and comparing their lives to other people’s lives.

      When a teen says,

      “Mr. Yalden, I’m tired in ways sleep cannot help!”

      What do you think it means?

      How Many Hours A Day Should Your Teen Be Online

      In my book, Teen Suicide: The WHY Behind America’s Suicide Epidemic, I said that 4-5 or more hours a day on your devices and you’re 70% more likely to have major depression in your life

      I’ll also say this, in the next decade we will see a 30% increase in teen suicide and teen drug and/or alchohol related deaths

      This could be a suicide attempt or just reckless behavior associated with self-harming behaviors and today we are seeing more boys than girls self-harming themselves.  Pay attention and address all “red flags” accordingly.  Don’t react and be emotional. Stop and think. This is a moment where your child needs you and they need you to understand it’s not you and it’s them asking for help but not knowing how or who to go to. I don’t want you pushing your child further away.

      Teen Suicide
      Teen Suicide by Jeff Yalden available on Amazon

      Research and the Teenagers’ Brain

      If we’re to categorize teens today we’ve had Gen Y, Gen X, Gen Z, the Millennials and more. Now we have Furries and I’ve also said we have Generation SOS, which I politely call Generation Stuck on Stupid. Sorry. Think about that, teens are stuck on stupid sometimes with what they say and do. How they act and how they think. They’re teens. We were all there. It’s growing through life and figuring out who they are as we tried to figure out ourselves then.

      I said I was going to take the clinical and be non-clinical, but I have to just add this . . .

      There is a lot of research that says teenagers’ brains aren’t fully developed until they’re about 25 years old.  This is important to understand and critical to understanding the consequences of one’s actions and controlling their impulses. 

      Think of it this way, decisions that are made at younger ages, the prefrontal cortex is there to help with reasoning and helping the child understand cause and effect and what possibilities could happen.  If the brain isn’t fully developed, they might not be able to fully grasp that concept of ‘if I do this, this is going to happen to me.’

      Mass Shootings and School Shootings

      Oftentimes, there is no explanation as to the reason for these violent acts mostly occurring by teenage boys or young men.  There is a lot of investigators and researchers trying to determine why these mass shootings and school shootings keep occurring, but it’s unexplainable right now.  We can speculate and theorize as we all do and there is truth to what we are thinking but let’s leave that to the findings of those doing the work to determine the causes.

      I can tell you this, we live in a broken society and too many people are in pain and suffering from mental health conditions that are going undiagnosable and more importantly untreated by mental health professionals.

      This is important for parents and parenting your child.  This is important for our families.  Would you agree that it starts in the home.  It takes a village to raise our young men and young ladies.  It takes a community that comes together and supports our families and the people.  You can say church and God.  You can say our schools.  You can say what you want but it all starts at the very corp within the families four walls.  We need to do our part and that is communicate and normalize the conversation around mental health.  Let’s all silence the stigma and be part of the solution.  We all matter in preventing the next mass shooting or school shooting.  We all matter in preventing the next teen suicide or suicide.

      Concerning Signs of Teen Mental Health Turning Violent

      It starts with those “Red Flags” I’ve been talking about.  If you recognize concerning signs, behaviors, or emotions it’s time you intervene and address it.  Address it immediately.  There are plenty of resources available, plus google and educate yourself by asking questions and finding the right answers.

      Teen Mental Health: When it turns violent.

      One thing we do know is that pinpointing teen mental health conditions such as teen depression and teen anxiety turning violent isn’t so easy, because each case has to be evaluated on an individual basis because the signs are different for each and every person.

      If a child or your teen is more reserved than ever before such as not talking as much, grades changing, changing of friendships or circle of friends, if you’re seeing drastic changes in your child, those are signs.

      Reach out to Teen Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Speaker Jeff Yalden: The Perfect Speaker for School Assemblies

      If you’re a teacher in middle school or high school interested in teen mental health please contact Jeff Yalden at  If you’re a parent and you’re concerned about the well-being of your own child you can also reach out to Jeff Yalden by visiting his website and going to the parenting section of his website for resources, videos, or to book Jeff to work with you and your child.

      If you know a teen struggling with a mental health crisis please do something with non-judgment immediately.

      Who is Jeff Yalden:

      Jeff started speaking to schools and school communities about teen mental health while he was in the Marine Corps stationed in Jacksonville, FL after he witnessed the suicide of one of his Marines.

      Since then, Jeff has spoken in over 49 countries, all 50 states, and to every province in Canada.  He’s inspired, educated, and given hope to millions of people live in-person and online media outlets.

      From 2005-2012, Jeff was the celebrity teen and family life coach for MTV’s EMMY Award Winning Reality Television Show MADE.  Over 85 million people watched Jeff transform teens and families on a weekly basis.

      He’s a four-time bestselling author, TEDx speaker, mental health speaker, consultant, and advocate for teen mental health and families.  Jeff is an avid golfer and yoga teacher and makes his home in Jacksonville, FL with his English Bulldog, Sugar Bear.

      For more information, please visit

      Pastor is Critical of School Administration

      Pastor and the Church expressing their concern for schools and how they handle teen suicide.

      Teen Suicide and School Administration: Let’s Not Be Critical of How It’s Handled!

      I receive another message of how the local community doesn’t agree with how school administration is handling a teen suicide in their community.

      Recently, I visited a school district and spent two days after this community had decided they needed to do something after another teen suicide and the suicide of a staff member. Two wonderful days with middle school students and high school students, staff, teachers, counselors and parents.

      Then I get an email from a local pastor who is critical of how the school administration is handling or not handling the teen suicide. It’s not a secret that teen suicide is a major problem in our schools and an epidemic in America. Learning what to do and how to address teen suicide by school administration doesn’t come with a certificate of completion and in my professional opinion shouldn’t be criticized by anyone. I feel that our community of parents, local organizations, and community leaders should support our school administration and counselors and build relationships so that we have more people that can be available and more resources if called upon in the event of a school crisis.

      Jeff Yalden Responds to Local Pastor

      First, I want to say I have great respect for pastors and our community leaders and applaud anyone wanting to serve and help. With that said, this is a message from a local pastor in the community I recently visited. Pastor for 17 years. Thank you. I can’t imagine being liked by a community when a pastor stands in front every week and preaches. Sometimes you challenge people and people don’t like that. Seventeen years deserves an applause.

      Pastor states, “Sadly, I feel the school has put it’s head in the sand for years and refused to talk about things or do much to help.

      I’ve worked with school districts for more than three decades mostly on teen suicide and teen mental health. I feel I can add to this and provide some understanding. I’ve worked with students, families, counselors, teachers, and school administrators to include principals and superintendents. I’ve also worked with many a local pastors and mental health professionals. To each and every person I’ve worked with I’ve walked away having learned from them and also having given my heart and soul to what they’re having had to deal with and educating them to be more prepared and present in the event they have a crisis in their school community moving forward.

      I’d like to respond to any faith based leader or community organization that feels schools don’t handle student suicides accordingly.

      Sign up to take Teen Suicide Prevention Online Course for School Communities (CLICK HERE).

      I can certainly tell you that I’ve never met a school administrator who has his or her head in the sand and is avoiding dealing with teen suicide or mental health challenges in their schools. I feel that is a strong statement coming with lack of compassion and empathy.

      I’ll tell you that many of our school administrators are overwhelmed and wanting to make sure they act accordingly so that they proceed in a manner that protects and supports everyone where they are and with what they’re all going through with thoughts and feelings. Consider also, school administrators have to protect the family, the staff and teachers, and the students. Legally, they have to check boxes too. They are overwhelmed and most school communities don’t have a protocol to follow. They’re working on it though.

      Please give compassion and grace to our schools. Our teachers, staff members, coaches, parents, and school administrators need support from one another. Just as our students do. To criticize is wrong. To be supportive and advocate would be acting with grace and compassion. This is new to our school administrators and they’re all learning.

      Principals and Superintendents Don’t Receive Certificates for Teen Suicide

      One of the very first things I can tell you is that no administrator is given a certificate on how to deal with the loss of one of their students or staff members by suicide. Let’s have some grace and understand the pressure they feel when the principals and superintendent has to make decisions based on what they think is best for their staff, the families, and the students in the here and the now, but also as they all move forward as a community.

      You’d be amazed at how many mental health professionals, doctors and nurses don’t even know how to do a proper suicide assessment. 85% of people who do assessments aren’t properly trained to do an effective suicide assessment and we are criticizing our school administration? I think that is wrong.

      What could make a difference is how we all normalize the conversation and silence the stigma that would allow us to feel better about learning and educating ourselves with teen mental health and suicide. Do you even know the difference between mental health challenges and mental health crisis?

      A challenge is when your emotions, behaviors, feelings and thoughts are being affected. Whereas, a crisis is when what’s being affected now results in a person wanting to hurt themselves or someone else.

      Teen Suicide: An Epidemic in America

      Teen suicide continues to be a serious problem that our schools are having to deal with. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people ages 15 to 24 years old. The leading cause of suicide amongst young people who attempt suicide is a significant mental health disorder, usually depression.

      Amongst younger teens suicide is often impulsive. This is a result of feelings of sadness, confusion, anger, or problems with attention and hyperactivity. Amongst teenagers though, suicide attempts are mostly associated with feelings of stress, self-doubt, pressure to succeed, financial uncertainty, disappointment and loss. For some teens, suicide appears to be a solution to their problems.

      Depression and suicidal feelings are treatable mental disorders. Please don’t self diagnose your child if you have concerns about their mental health. As always say, “five out of five people have physical health and five out of five people also have mental health.” Do not be ashamed and take all signs seriously.

      Visit Jeff Yalden’s Online Teen Suicide Prevention Course for Parents, Teachers, Staff, Coaches, and Teens.

      Suicide Prevention in Schools

      I feel that the one to two hours of suicide prevention in schools that has been mandated isn’t enough. With that being said, I’m thankful that our school communities are trying to do the best they can to incorporate mental health into their every day lessons. It’s going to take time, but I will tell you that we are making great improvement and I applaud our schools. Let’s all get behind them and show our support.

      Teen Suicide

      The first thing I tell a school administrator is that their number one priority is to take care of their teachers and staff members. It’s the teachers and the staff members that have to be with the students who are grieving. Teachers, coaches, staff know the students best and students are best in school being with their trusted and significant adults.

      Also consider when a suicide happens and how that affects how a school responds. You have to understand that no suicide is treated the same. Whether it is a suicide that happened over summer break, vacation, during school hours, a middle school student or a high school student. People are affected differently and its effect on the school community is also different. Nonetheless, the loss of one of our students is crippling and emotionally heartbreaking for our school staff, friends, and most of all the families. Suicide is the most preventable form of death and we all have a responsibility to normalize the conversation and silence the stigma.

      A school administrator has to be responsible for the messages that their teachers and students are getting and who is giving the messages. Being proactive as a school community doesn’t mean finding every local resource and inviting them into the school to talk about teen mental health and suicide prevention. Can you imagine someone coming in and not knowing how to address teen suicide and the consequences of their words, opinions, and how it’s perceived by the students and the staff? That happens all the time.

      It’s not that administrators don’t want help, but in the case of dealing with suicide maybe less is more. Less is more because there are so many factors to consider and address. School administrators don’t have the experience or education, but they’re asking questions and reaching out to their local administrators in other communities as to what they might have done if they’ve had a student suicide.

      If you ask me, a school administrator is dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t. They’re not going to make everyone happy with how they dealt with it. What matters most is that they communicate and seek the professional advice from a close circle of experienced professionals.

      A Pastors Role with Suicide in the Community

      Every faith community has someone who has been affected by suicide in a personal way. Therefore, the topic of mental health and suicide has come into our churches and in my opinion our church community has a great responsibility to be talking more about mental health and suicide. We need more people to normalize the conversation and encourage their congregation to speak about thoughts and feelings. Again, silence the stigma.

      Pastors and clergy members play a significant role as families and people move through the grieving process after a loss or a suicide. They’re anchors and a source of hope for survivors and people in recovery. A pastor must be supportive, compassionate, empathetic, nurturing, and a guide in helping people move forward. Pastors are a great source to the community and do very well for people in crisis. Pastors are a valuable support to everyone.

      However, a title doesn’t make you the expert and the logical person to call when it comes to school administration and counselors. They’re good. They’re doing their best and our job is to support them doing the best they can with the information they have and protecting the school community.

      That being said, here is my main point and the one tip I want to offer anyone wanted to work with their school community.

      Build that relationship with the school administration, counselors, parents, etc. The time to say, “I’m a great resource isn’t after a crisis.” The time is now. Volunteer. Serve. Get involved. Attend events. Show your support. Get to know the staff. Now that you’ve done all that they’ll know who you are and in the unfortunate event of a crisis the school administration and counselors will know you’re a great resource and if needed will reach out to you. If they don’t reach out to you, you can reach out to them because they’ll know you and trust you to support them as needed. Build the relationship now so that you can serve when they need you the most.

      In conclusion, what I want to say is that a pastor or anyone should try and contact the school administration and discuss ahead of time how they can be a source of help. Being proactive is building relationships. That is what is important and when that relationship is built our school community will know who they can call upon in the event of a crisis.

      What a pastor and local organizations can do is support the school administrations and staff. Support your parents and the community (your congregation) as best you can. Be comfortable talking with your people about mental health and suicide. It’s important we all play a role in our circle of trusted friends and families. We are all a part of the much needed conversation to normalize the conversation around mental health and silence the stigma.

      Together we can serve one another.

      Suffield, CT: Parent and Community Presentation


      Dear parents and community of Suffield, CT:

      Instead of doing a parent presentation on my visit to your community we decided I’d record a presentation for you. Parent presentations are tough to do with such busy lives and time. This is a great way you can learn about teen mental health and understanding your teens today. Please enjoy and feel free to share with parents you know.


      Jeff Yalden

      Jeff Yalden visited Suffield, CT on April 1, 2022 to speak to the middle school and high school students about teen mental health and suicide prevention. He also pre-recorded a parent presentation for parents of teens and the community.

      Teen Speaker

      Please download by clicking the button and save it to your computer to watch the message Jeff shared with the community.

      If you’re interested in Jeff’s new program for school communities and parents, please visit This program is to help teens in crisis or facing mental health challenges. Your teen might not want therapy or to go to the emergency room. Jeff designed this online course to help your teen or student discover themselves and be okay communicating their thoughts and feelings.

      Please visit It’s coming soon!

      We’re IN TROUBLE: Social Media Algorithms

      You can’t live your best life anymore.  People can’t think, reason, or act for themselves because social media platforms and the way algorithms are set up have you controlled and you don’t even know it, or maybe you do. Well, you probably should and I hope I can shed some light on how today’s algorithms are set up to put more distance between the American people and you more connected to those that have the same thoughts and viewpoints as you do.

      Here is my Week 3 Blog Post. It’s on another channel I operate. I wanted to switch to my own personal page because I am getting more expressive as I am learning a lot more in our Introduction to Social Media class with Capella.

      My Week 3 Blog Post: Then, I put it all on our Blog at

      I want to shed light (objectively) of course on how algorithms today are designed to have cognitive biases that intensify homophily and contribute to isolation amongst people. I see this everyday in my work in mental health and depression which ultimately lead to the clients I see in my office thinking suicide is their answer because they’re feeling alone and a burden or disappointment in society.

      Here are the risks if you’re not aware of how your digital footprint is being created and the American people are being divided. The phenomenon of social media networks is bringing about more bullying, hate speech, political extremism, and radicalization of terrorists, and stronger left and right wing groups.

      As a professional speaker for the past 30 years I’ve spoken to well over 4,000 live audiences in 49 countries and every Province in Canada, not to mention all 50 states.  One question, I have always asked is, “Who is the hardest person to get to know?”  I hear whispers every time from people saying, “Ourselves.”  Yes.  Exactly.  The Ancients say, “Know thyself.”  We are terrible at this, aren’t we?  Now the internet is making it that much harder for us to get to know ourselves.

      The internet is getting to know you more than you know yourself.  Everything about you can be computed from our Facebook likes (McCarthy-Jones, 2017).  Machines are using our online data for a digital footprint that you’re not aware of.  The result is that your online data knows more about you than your friends and family members.  Artificial intelligence is using our social network data, and it’ll know even more.  The new challenge is how to live in a world when others know you better than you know yourself.  WOW!  Think about that and you’re really f*cked, huh?

      Gather around the campfire with people you don’t even know, but you do because you all share commonalities.  Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have all brought you closer together because of all the data they have captured. 

      Being present online today comes with a cost personally and politically.  You must decide if the benefits of being so present online outweigh the cost and control.

      Social networking is addictive.  The chemical dopamine is a drug that infiltrates the human mind saying, “I want more . . . I want more.”  Before you know it half the day is gone and you’re still perusing Tik Tok videos.

      Sean Parker, the first president of Facebook, recently discussed the thought process that went into building this social network.  He described it as being:

      All about how do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?

      Sean Parker, Facebook

      To do this, the user had to be given:

      A little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post . . . and that’s going to get you to contribute more.

      Sean Parker, Facebook

      That is the problem today. 

      Years ago, algorithms were user friendly to keep you engaged and on the platform (2019).  Today, it’s changed.  Algorithms are for people who produce content consistently because you become a fan and express a liking to that user or content so you get more of that information.  Now you and this content creator are shared likes and interests and ads are generated by the algorithms to produce revenue.  The focus is on likes and dislikes for competition to sell and produce revenue.  It’s about buying and selling.  

      That is why you are bombarded with consistent ads to keep you on the platform as long as possible and you’re being targeted with those that have the same captured data as you because everything is being recorded and documented.

      You can’t think, reason, and act anymore because our social media platforms aren’t engaging in discussions like face-to-face connection.  So, we are all in agreement with like-minded people because we aren’t not seeing other views from people.

      In my opinion, we need to let the internet control us less.  How do we do that?

      You’re More Than an Algorithm

      You can’t beat the algorithm game.  However, you can be more objective and broaden your thoughts processes.  Click on stories or links you might not normally read.  Do some more research and fact checking.  Have more of an open-mind.  Be more willing to hear opposing views.  Do not allow yourself to be put into a box.  You can certainly enjoy being around the campfire with others who have different views and get along.

      We need to keep control of how we want our world to be.  Don’t get sucked in to one way thinking.  You’re too smart for that.


      YouTube. (2019, February 18). Social Media Algorithms for dummies. YouTube. Retrieved December 11, 2021, from

      McCarthy-Jones, S. (2017, December 8). Are Social Networking Sites Controlling your mind? Scientific American. Retrieved December 11, 2021, from

      3 Tips to Improve Teens Self-Esteem

      Hey my friends . . . This has been a rough year for everyone, but especially for teenagers. Many have missed out on experiences that define the teenage years – things like prom, homecoming, and even just defining who you are in a group of friends. Covid has caused more problems for teen mental health than we can care to think about. Here are 3 Tips to Boost Teens Self-Esteem.

      I’m Jeff Yalden, teen mental health and suicide prevention expert with Here Tomorrow in Neptune Beach, I’ve been working with schools and school communities for the past thirty years.  Teens are my love and passion.

      Listen, a teenager’s social-emotional development is also hinged on their brain development, hormones and neurotransmitters.

      Erik Erikson’s theory of development says that it is during this time that an adolescent will begin to develop and question their own sense of self. In this day of social media, it is becoming more difficult to find who you are and where you belong. Teens are inundated with images that speak to their worth and comparison of others.

      A pioneer in social media and the psychology of its impact on esteem and mental health is Jonathan Bertrand. Bertrand’s position is that social media use has a profound impact on the development of self and often interferes with mental health and esteem-related issues. Combine that with Erikson’s work and you have a bit of a potentially disastrous combination.

      With that being said, I want to share with you 3 Tips to help teens boost their self-esteem.

      Tip #1: Avoid excessive exposure to social media 

      More than 4-5 hours a day . . . 70% more likely to have major depression and other mental health conditions.  So, when possible, eliminate or really reduce the use of social media.  Let me add emphasis to social media being recognized as part of one’s self-esteem issues.  

      Here is the deal, If your teen struggles with body image, lifestyle comparison or feelings of inadequacy then social media may be a piece of that puzzle. 

      Here is what I am suggesting . . . Setting some limits, like turning off all technology a couple of hours before bed and limited overall time on social media.  Trust me, this is a good place to start.

      However, this might be difficult as you get resistance. You might then consider having some conversations about social media and its impact and invite your teen into the conversation rather than it being a lecture.  After 24 hours, you’ll think you have a new teenager.

      Tip  #2: Use thought stopping

      Another strategy is to use thought-stopping. Here is what that is.  We cannot control a thought when it comes into your head, but we can control what we do with the thought. Don’t hang on to a negative thought.  Instead, say ‘stop’ and think of something else. Over time this will help to create new neural connections in your brain instead of circling the negativity drain

      Helping teens understand they can have control over how they handle thoughts is a powerful way to build self-esteem.  Think of it this way, situations become thoughts.  Thoughts become feelings.  Feelings become behaviors.  Stop the negative thoughts.  Another term for this is Behavioral Activation.  If it’s not right . . . Change the thought.

      Tip #3: Build mastery

      Find an activity that you enjoy and work toward building mastery. This will not only encourage you to find a group of people with similar interests, but it will also build your sense of worth within yourself and within the group. Start by sampling some things that you have a a little of interest in and explore them. If it is a sport, commit to the season. If it is a new hobby or club, give it at least 3 months of your time. Building mastery is a great way to solidify your confidence. 

      Put down the devices and get more involved.

      Contact Jeff today. (CLICK HERE)

      FREE Teen Suicide Prevention Course for Schools

      Renowned Teen Mental Health Speaker and Teen Suicide Prevention Expert gives you a FREE Suicide Prevention and Inspirational Talk for your School.

      During this 50 minute talk Jeff engages in the conversation of mental health and suicide prevention talking about signs to be aware of and how you can intervene and how you can best intervene.

      Jeff talks about the importance of relationships and what to do between someone in crisis having a thought and the person making a decision. The key in this moment is to deescalate the situation by bringing down the anxiety and heightened emotions in the moment. The worst thing to do is trigger further anxiety to the person in crisis which can produce an emotional reaction. Jeff talks about this moment and how best you can be that person that saves a life and gets the individual the critical help they need in these very important moments.

      Youth Mental Health Motivational Speaker

      Virtual School Presentations
      Virtual Programs Available.

      Just Click Here and Share.

      For nearly three decades, Jeff Yalden has inspired school communities with his mental hydration, mental health awareness, and teen suicide prevention talks.

      Here is a FREE 50 minute Teen Suicide Prevention Course for Schools. This is an inspirational talk from Jeff talking about how one person can save a person’s life by giving them hope and listening.

      Learn how to ask and spot the signs of someone in crisis. This video is not intended to trigger thoughts or feelings, but to inspire the conversation, and to intervene when you notice red flags or suspect something isn’t right.

      It’s FREE . . . (Click Here).

      High School Motivational Speaker for Virtual Presentations

      “Last night I prayed, “God, help me,” before getting into bed. My plan was to leave the dorm after my roommate was asleep. I fell asleep. When I woke up this morning, I went to class figuring I could try again tonight, but instead I came to your talk and I met you. Your story gave me hope, encouragement. I’m going to reach out to counseling office tonight. I can’t thank you enough for what you did. I think you were there for a reason and I’m glad you were.”

      – Friends for Life, Mike
      Teen Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Expert, Jeff Yalden speaks to school communities.

      Interested in Jeff speaking to your school community but concerned about the pandemic? No worries, Jeff does a lot of virtual presentations connecting right into your classrooms. Bring Jeff live for a conversation with your students and staff through zoom. Email Jeff today (Email).

      Teen Suicide Book for Schools and Instruction

      Jeff Yalden is the author of Teen Suicide: The WHY Behind America’s Suicide Epidemic (Click Here)