The OFFICIAL SITE to Americas #1 Youth Motivational Speaker!

Mental Health on College Campus is a National Crisis

“For the past 15 years, my challenge is to find a speaker that can captivate the attention of college age students regarding mental illness and suicide. Jeff Yalden surpassed any expectations sharing his story and experiences to over 100 students. I watched these students listen intently as they absorbed the reality of these topics. Jeff’s passion for this topic is contagious and this was evident when a line of students formed following the presentation to receive bracelets that said “Take Time to Think”, and ask questions. A true testament was when a student asked if he could have the bracelet Jeff was wearing. Jeff’s delivery commanded respect and admiration from all who attended. I highly recommend that Jeff be incorporated in any programs regarding the topic of mental illness and suicide.” — Nicole Ovedia, LCSW Licensed Psychotherapist Director of Lynn University Counseling Center

College Student Mental Health

Mental Health is a Crisis on College Campuses

Mental Health on College Campus is a crisis that needs attention. College Student Mental Health should be taught to all college students and not just said, “There’s a counseling center for you if you need it.”

An estimated one in three students meets criteria for a clinically significant mental health problem.

In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, estimated 1 in 10 college students were characterized as needing/wanting/using some form of mental health treatment.

Today, 2020 that number is now 1 in 3 college students are characterized as needing mental health treatment. The trend lines are rising.

College Mental Health Speaker Mesmerizing

Jeff is real and doesn’t sugarcoat his message of self-worth and never be afraid to ask for help. You want a mental health campus speaker that connects with your college students deeper than just some lecture. Jeff is passionate, intimate, present, compassionate, but truly authentic and transparent in telling his story and inspiring your audience. He reaches to the hearts and souls of people and gives hope, permission to be free, and talks mental health, self-care, and asking for help. Jeff isn’t afraid to tell his own story and therefore makes you feel very comfortable in your own struggles and journey.  This is what makes Jeff endearing to your students. He tells them what he’s been through and how he’s free today living as a man that lives with mental illness. It’s a struggle everyday, but what matters is being aware, accepting it, and not being a victim to mental illness. Jeff talks about his self-care, being a yogi, being in therapy, and on medication. He’s the healthiest he’s ever been and all he did was say, “Thank you.” Thank you for answers to why things in his life had happened and that his mental illness is greater than he ever thought it was. Jeff Yalden is your mental health college speaker for community colleges and four year colleges and universities.  He understands and he connects, but he gives real life solutions for everyday life, hence the “What’s in your Toolbox?” title of his talk. Jeff touches hearts.  Jeff reaches to the core of today’s young adults. You will be a HERO when you bring Jeff to talk the college mental health crisis.

Talking Mental Health on College Campus

Whether it is a community college or a four year university, Jeff Yalden is the perfect speaker to engage and deliver a must be heard talk: Talking Mental Health on College Campus. He understands and he connects, but he gives real life solutions for everyday life, hence the “What’s in your Toolbox?” title of his talk. Jeff touches hearts.  Jeff reaches to the core of today’s young adults. You will be a HERO when you bring Jeff to work with your students.

“Many members of the audience could directly relate to Jeff’s stories and it was obvious that his messages his home. Following his presentation many students stayed to speak personally with Jeff and to talk about how impressed they were with his talk.Jeff took the time to talk with students and was extremely thankful of all of them. We’re planning on inviting him back in the near future.” – Ken Vybiral, Asst. Dir. of Student Activities, Point Park College, PA

Campus Mental Health . . . Preventing Suicides on College Campuses

The Top 10 Issues Facing College Students Today (CLICK HERE).

Teen Suicide Text to Jeff Yalden

College Mental Health Speaker Jeff Yalden

Below is a list of serious mental health issues known to affect college students and young people:

  • Depression: While it might be easy for a busy college student to write their depression off as school-induced stress, depressive tendencies can of course be symptoms of more serious mental health issues. In fact, a 2012 study reported that 44 percent of college students have one or more symptoms of depression. This startling statistic shows that hits depression faced by nearly half of all college students could lead to more complex mental health issues without the proper counseling to help them identify the source of their depression.
  • Anxiety: It goes without saying that most college students experience some degree of anxiety. As you might expect, juggling assignments, exams, and part-time jobs can lead to serious levels of anxiety, which could then escalate into a major mental health issue or disorder. Students who feel like anxiety is getting the better of them should schedule some time to speak with a counsellor or mental health specialist in order to pinpoint the source of anxiety and figure out solutions to overcome it.
  • Suicide: The worst possible outcome of an untreated mental illness is suicide. Even for people without a serious mental disorder, the stress of an independent environment can lead to suicidal thoughts. Anyone who has seriously considered suicide should seek professional help immediately. Suicide hotlines staffed by specialists are usually the quickest and most discreet options for people to get the care and attention they need.
  • Bipolar Disorder: This is a major mental health disorder often characterized by extreme bouts of depression followed by periods of manic activity. With the stress and workload many college students face, it’s

    Yogi Jeff Yalden

    easy to pass off symptoms of bipolar disorder as mood swings. According to WebMD, severe enough mood swings will interfere with a person’s functioning could be related to an underlying bi-polar disorder. Young people who find that their mood swings are causing difficulties in their personal or academic life should seek counseling from a mental health specialist immediately.

  • Eating Disorders: According to the National Eating Disorders Association, approximately 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men in college struggle with an eating disorder. For some, the pressure of losing weight and “looking good” might be enough to trigger the beginning of an eating disorder. For others, the stress of a busy social, academic and work schedule may make it difficult for them to find time to eat properly, which could also lead to a serious eating disorder down the line. While there are several different eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia are two of the most common. Eating disorders are serious and could lead to devastating consequences for a young person’s health without immediate treatment from a mental health specialist.
  • I love working with teachers and counselors

    Addiction: For individuals of any age, addiction can lead to significant and life threatening health issues without proper treatment. Addiction can be especially devastating for young people, who may turn to drugs, alcohol, or food to deal with general stress or an underlying mental health disorder. Binge drinking is an especially common form of addiction found on American campuses. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, of the 61 percent of surveyed colleges students that drank, 40.5 percent binge drank and 16.3 percent were heavy drinkers. For many who struggle with addiction, often the hardest hurdle for them to overcome is admitting that they have a problem. If you or a young person you know is struggling with addiction, counseling from a mental health specialist or admission to a substance rehabilitation center are two viable treatment options.

  • Self-harm: Unlike other mental health issues, the underlying reason behind why young people choose to physically harm themselves still eludes researchers. Moreover, people who do harm themselves tend to do so in private and on areas of the body that may not be visible to others. Some estimate that up to 15 percent of college students have engaged in some form of self-harming behavior. Self-harm is a serious mental health issue that should be monitored by a trained mental health specialist. Watch Jeff’s video on Self-Harm (CLICK HERE).
  • Struggles with Identity: U.S. society has gradually come to accept the many disparate identities found within its borders. That said, in certain areas of the country, there is still a significant amount of intolerance directed towards people who identify themselves in a certain way. While a given identity will not necessarily indicate mental health struggles, the pressures of withstanding a hostile social environment could lead to severe stress and anxiety. Anyone struggling with extreme social pressures due to their lifestyle or identity should immediately seek help from a qualified specialist at their school or workplace.

Key Points During Campus Lecture:

    1. How to create your own Personal Toolbox
    2. Authentic Energy – Being your TRUE self and accepting who you are without fear of the stigma.
    3. Seeing situations that trigger emotions and learning to recognize before reacting.
    4. See how changing the focus, can change our perception of our life. Called ReFraming.
    5. Realistic Expectations and learning to live with an Objective so you don’t get Disappointed.
    6. Being Responsible for our own Emotions. How to own it.
    7. Accepting people for who they are. Accepting yourself for who you are.
    8. Healthy School and Life balance – party, studies, relationships, etc.
    9. Celebrate Small Successes