The OFFICIAL SITE to Americas #1 Youth Motivational Speaker!

As the logical next step to his Amazon bestseller, BOOM! One Word to Inspire Action, Deliver Rewards, and Positively Affect Your Life Every Day, motivational speaker and author Jeff Yalden is putting the finishing touches on a brand-spanking new workbook designed to bring your BOOM into much clearer focus.

In a recent Facebook Live session and now episode 12 and 13 of The BOOM Podcast, Jeff gave his listeners a preview of the material in The BOOM 28 Day Boot Camp: Creating a Life of Success. Find Motivation. Crush Goals. Overcome Obstacles. Live with Purpose.

BOOM Workbook Coming Soon

Yalden felt that it was important to get this actionable information out there sooner rather than later, and into the hands of folks who are serious about making positive and permanent changes in their lives.

“I am not asking for anything. I’m not asking for money or asking for you to buy the book,” he said. “I am just asking that you take responsibility – and if you implement the strategies that I share with you, I promise that your life will change.”

Tall order? Jeff doesn’t think so – as long as you follow the simple steps he is about to lay out for you here. Consider this a planner for a bright future and a new outlook.

After these 28 days, you might be asking yourself why you waited so long.

According to Yalden, creating a life of success is not about wishing and dreaming for it to happen. It’s not about rainbows and unicorns or wishing upon a star. Creating a life of success is about having a plan and taking action.

If you are serious about creating a life of success, grab a pad and a pen and let’s get started.



DAY NUMBER ONE: Are You Ready to Own Your Life? Mind. Body. Spirit.

Take responsibility today for everything in your life right now.

Make the decision that today is the day to make this all-important decision. Today is the day. Get clear in your head that you now own every aspect of your life, warts and all.

“If your dream is to lose weight, make the decision that you are finally going to commit. You are going to maybe take the bad food – the processed food – out of your cabinets. You are going to get rid of the alcohol. You are going to start an exercise program. You are going to start looking at protein and less carbs. Get rid of your diet sodas and sugary drinks.”

Day number one is making the decision to commit.

“Get it in your head: ‘This is what I am doing.’ You decide. That’s it. You have decided to take full responsibility.”

Pick something urgent in your life that you want to tackle and that you want to change, address or overcome. Make that one decision and write it down now.

DAY NUMBER TWO: Take the dream out of your head and put it all on paper. Everything. Write it all out without limits. No boundaries.

“I want you to take all that stuff in your head and dump it all on paper. It doesn’t have to be neat. It doesn’t have to be organized. It’s kind of like mind mapping when you write a book. You take pen to paper and just write. We’re going to get to the details later.”

DAY NUMBER THREE: Rewrite this and put it into a plan that is very specific. Be specific about what you want and the time frame. Put the plan in your phone and next to your bedside.

Concentrate on no more than three goals to go after.

“Where can you see your plan? Where is it written down? Can you see it in your smartphone? Can you set an alarm where it comes up every day? Is it by your bedside – where you see it when you go to bed and wake up and see it first thing?”

DAY NUMBER FOUR: Contact three people to keep you accountable and give them your plan.

“I want you to get in touch with three people that you trust and respect, and whose opinions you value – and I want you to share your plan with them. Ask them to keep you accountable. That’s right. I want you to put it out there to three people who are going to challenge you on your word to do what you say you are going to do.”

DAY NUMBER FIVE: Read your plan out loud three times each day.

Put it in the atmosphere, because once you put it out there it’s coming back to you. Believe it. Feel it. Taste it.

Do this every morning, afternoon and night.

“Here’s another thing: You can use pictures to help you visualize. Let’s say you want a beautiful house with awesome landscaping, and you want an in-ground pool. You are reading a magazine and see this gorgeous home with beautiful landscaping and a saltwater pool. Cut that picture out, so when you are reading your plan out loud, you are also visualizing exactly what you want.

DAY NUMBER SIX:  Choose to become the 3 percent and write down the steps it’ll take to reach the goal.

Jeff’s friend, speaker and author Richie Contartesi has said that only 3 percent of people actually write down their goals.

“Let’s say you are a freshman in high school and you want to go to college,” Yalden said. “So what you are going to do now is make good grades, pass 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade – graduate from high school and get accepted into college.”

Another example could be that you might want a new car.

“Let’s say you want a Jeep Patriot. You graduated from college and have a god, but you want to give it three years before you get this new car. What are the steps that you need to take?”The process can be putting back $100 from each paycheck so that you wind up with a nice down-payment.

Simple steps can lead to an awesome result.

Be specific. What color is the car?

Make sure your goals are SMART: Simple, Attainable, Achievable and Realistic – and determine a reasonable time-frame to accomplish them.

DAY NUMBER SEVEN: BOOM! You have to go all-in into your goals and dreams. Believe in the plan.

Go over each day in week one. Make sure you have followed every step.

“You can’t half-ass this,” Yalden said. “You can’t ‘kind of’ go through the motions. You can’t ‘kind of’ work your plan. Like being kind of pregnant, it doesn’t make sense. It’s like being in the pool with Helen Keller playing Marco Polo. It doesn’t make sense.”

Watch this blog for the week two of Jeff Yalden’s 28-Day BOOM Boot Camp!

Click HERE for more information about Jeff Yalden.


LISTEN to this episode of The BOOM Podcast

GRAB your copy of BOOM! One Word to Inspire Action, Deliver Rewards, and Positively Affect Your Life Every Day

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